I've done 3D and 2D animation for all the major studios, even RKO, and I didn't
know RKO was still a thing! For twenty years I've built, textured,
lit and animated hard surface models, environments and special FX. The
best movie I worked on was
for Disney directed by Andy Davis. A piece of "magical realism" (think
"The Simpsons"), it is a Disney movie featuring an interracial murder and a
revenge killing! I think it is the best live action movie the studio ever
Roger Ebert loved it. Other good movies include
The Guardian (Disney),, and
Defiance (Paramount). I also worked on some of Hollywood's biggest
flops like
Planet (WB) and
Pluto Nash (WB). I think more people saw my demo reel of Pluto Nash
than saw the real thing!
I also do logos, architectural visualization,
website design and more.

I was on the team that won an
Emmy in 2010 working for Spielberg/Tom Hanks on
The Pacific (HBO).
I was in charge of 3D modeling and the creation of lots of background vehicles.
I also did some compositing and animated way too much tracer fire. Boy,
everybody sure shot flaming bullets a lot in WWII. Since that gig, sadly,
a lot of work has fled Hollywood for places like Georgia, Canada, London and
even tiny New Zealand. They all give controversial tax breaks to productions
that often don't even benefit their economies. I don't blame the
studios for trying to save money. DVDs are not selling and the profit on a feature
film is 5%. I don't blame people in other countries for wanting to do this fun,
challenging work. I blame our government at all levels for letting it happen.
They only started to try to keep business in LA after the tax base had taken
a major hit. Too late!

am one of the main investigators and protesters of the Church of Scientology
in Los Angeles. My photographs and videos are used on some of the most
Wikipedia pages the Church has tried to delete. They are the only
organization banned from editing Wikipedia. My work has also been seen
on newscasts as far away as Australia and on European documentaries, plus all
three seasons Leah Remini's Emmy winning A&E show "
Scientology &
the Aftermath.
I also helped startup up a Youtube channel called
for Scientology whistleblowers to be interviewed telling stories no other media
would touch. It now has over 25,000 subscribers, over 10 million views, and
has spawned other websites and bloggers giving the Church of Sci still more
people to fight. My
main Scientology channel on Youtube has been taken down TWICE by spurious
complaints by the Church which advertises heavily on Youtube. My main website
been attacked via DDOS by the Church literally billions of times so you know
it bothers them.

created several funny comedy videos before I came to Los Angeles such as "
Dixon Private Eye." It won several awards and was shown here in LA
by the American Cinematheque at the Raleigh Studios Chaplin Theater. Many
of my Scientology videos are also very funny. And a I wrote a hilarious
feature length script
"The Bodice Ripper."
It is the story of a breast crazed Victorian hypnotist who gains the power to
control minds but loses his own. One talent manager told me the script
read "like a fifth draft." I said "it is!"

fixed computers in LA for twenty years and have built about forty Windows machines
from scratch. I can come to clients or they can drop their computers off
at my place. More about this at my website which I wrote myself
I also
blog about technology there. Plus I code in HTML/CSS and write basic websites
for myself and others. Websites like this one which, because I decide what it
looks like, is visually attractive, kind of retro, and simply a brochure. AKA
not a generic wordpress blog or a shopping cart site.